Tips for Navigating a Jungle: What to Do and What to Not

Do's ↓

1. Dress appropriately: Adjust your clothing based on the weather. Layer up in winters and opt for light clothing in summers. However, be cautious of the harsh sun, and cover your hands to prevent sunburns.

2. Pack your essentials: Bring food provided by hotels and carry water in steel bottles (avoid plastic). Since there’s no cafeteria inside, you’ll be on your own for about 4 hours.

3. Sun protection is a must: Wear caps securely to prevent them from flying away, use shades, and carry enough water. Strictly avoid any form of plastic.

4. Maintain a peaceful environment: Respect the forest’s silence, as loud noises disturb animals and birds. Communicate through whispers to adhere to the norm.

5. Show respect to the wildlife: Remember, you’re in their territory. Treat the environment with respect, just as you would expect in your own home.

6. Keep a safe distance: Respect the wild animals by maintaining a safe distance from them.

7. Embrace silence: Throughout your jungle visit, maintain a hushed environment to avoid disturbing the wildlife.

8. Report any wrongdoing: Act as the eyes and ears for Forest Guardians. Report any misbehavior by others to contribute to maintaining discipline.

9. Be cautious in the vehicle: Watch out for hanging trees and branches while in the Jeep to avoid injuries. Keep your eyes covered to protect against small flies, insects, and hanging branches.

10. Stay vigilant: Pay attention to your surroundings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Don'ts ↓

1. Blend in with nature: Wear earthy colors like green, beige, and brown to avoid disturbing wildlife. Bright colored clothes should be avoided.

2. No smoking or vaping: It’s dangerous for the forest, and there are strict penalties, including hefty fines. Please refrain from smoking.

3. Photography etiquette: Avoid using flash and minimize camera noise to prevent disturbing the surroundings.

4. Leave your mobile phones: Most of Tadoba has a ban on mobile phones. Deposit them in the guide’s box for safekeeping.

5. No secret photography: Taking photos against the rules can lead to penalties and bans for drivers and guides. You’ll be held responsible.

6. Avoid perfumes: Animals rely on their sense of smell, so refrain from using perfumes to prevent distraction.

7. Keep the environment clean: Littering is harmful to the ecosystem. Please do not litter during your visit.

8. Respect wildlife: Do not irritate or disturb animals or birds. You’ve entered their territory, so respect their space.

9. No feeding animals: Animals have different feeding habits, and feeding them can lead to harm or even death. Avoid leaving anything around.

10. Stay in the vehicle: Never step down from the vehicle, even for breaks. Ask the driver to take you to designated spots for your safety.

11. Maintain calmness: Avoid physical or loud actions to prevent disturbing the environment.

12. Follow the rules: Don’t force, bribe, or request drivers to go off track. They have rules to follow, and breaking them could lead to penalties, bans, and impact their livelihoods.

When heading out on walking trails, keep the following in mind:

1. Pack light: Only bring what you really need for the jungle walk. Remember, you’ll be carrying everything, so keep it simple.

2. Use backpacks: Carry your essentials in backpacks for easy carrying and balance.

3. Protect yourself from the sun: Bring sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen to shield yourself from the sun.

4. Wear appropriate shoes: Strong jungle shoes are a must. Avoid wearing slippers or sandals.

5. Allergies? Carry medication: If you’re allergic to dust or animal fur, don’t forget to bring your medication.

6. Take walking sticks: Walking sticks can be handy for better balance and support.

7. Stick together in groups: Stay in groups and avoid wandering away for safety.

8. No showing off: Even if you’re fit, don’t try any tricks. Animals can sense muscle power.

9. Watch out for leeches: Consider avoiding shorts, and if possible, carry tobacco to keep leeches away. A matchbox or lighter could come in handy.

Remember to enjoy the walk while staying safe and respecting the wildlife.